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Best Nicotine Pouches

Best Nicotine Pouches

Laura Southcott |

Nicotine pouches are relatively new to the UK, but they’re already making a big name for themselves. Nicotine pouches are a tobacco-free alternative to smoking and vaping. They don't create any vapour or smoke, which makes them more discreet than smoking or vaping. They can also be used in areas where you’re not allowed to smoke or vape, so you can get your nicotine fix whilst on the go. These are just some of the reasons why nicotine pouches have become such a popular alternative in recent years, especially in the UK.

If you want to stop smoking or vaping, or are looking for an alternative that will leave you feeling just as satisfied, nicotine pouches are exactly what you need. However, there are so many different types of nicotine pouch, how do you know which is best? In this blog I'll be taking a closer look at what nicotine pouches are. I'll also be discussing how they can benefit you and listing what I believe to be the top 10 best nicotine pouches! So, keep scrolling to discover everything you need to know about nicotine pouches.

Product Name Price Action
1. Elf Bar Tacja Cherry Ice Nicotine Pouches £3.39 Buy Now
2Killa Blueberry Nicotine Pouches £2.95 Buy Now
3Nordic Spirit Mint Nicotine Pouches £5.52 Buy Now
4Velo Tropic Breeze Nicotine Pouches £5.52 Buy Now
5Pablo Bubblegum Nicotine Pouches £3.49 Buy Now
6Siberia Original Nicotine Pouches £4.49.50 Buy Now
7Killa Watermelon Nicotine Pouches £2.95 Buy Now
8Elf Bar Tacja Blue Sour Raspberry Nicotine Pouches £3.39 Buy Now
9Nordic Spirit Elderflower Nicotine Pouches £5.52 Buy Now
10Velo Ruby Berry Nicotine Pouches £5.25 Buy Now

What are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches are small, slim, white pouches that are intended for oral use - often referred to as snus nicotine pouches or nic pouches. Each nicotine pouch is full of flavour as well as nicotine to help you manage your nicotine cravings. These pouches come in a wide range of flavours, with many of the popular brands mimicking the same blends found in vapes.

Popular flavours in the best brands include cool mint and fun fruity flavours like Blue Sour Raspberry and Pineapple. All of the flavours currently available in the nicotine pouch market have been selected for their incredible flavour. Although, there are some that are more popular than others either due to their nicotine content or for the nicotine experience they provide. 

How do Nicotine Pouches work?

Nicotine pouches are actually really easy to use, which has helped to boost their popularity. All nicotine pouch brands are made to be used orally. This means that they must be inserted into the mouth in order to use them. Nicotine pouches work by slowly releasing their nicotine content into your bloodstream, which is why they must be placed between the lip and gum.

To use nicotine pouches all you need to do is:

  • Remove a nicotine pouch from its carry case
  • Place the pouch between your lip and gum
  • Allow the nicotine to be gradually released
  • Remove the pouch when you're satisfied and dispose of it responsibly

Most people choose to place the nic pouch beneath their upper lip, but placing it between your lower lip and gum will work just as well. It's purely a case of personal preference. Once the nic pouch is in place it will deliver nicotine into your system gradually for up to about an hour - although you can discard it sooner.

What are the best Nicotine Pouches?

So I’ve explained what nicotine pouches are and how to use them, now it’s time to get down to business - the best nicotine pouches UK. I’ve made the list as inclusive as possible so it covers all types of nicotine pouches, so expect to see my recommendations on the best nicotine pouch brands as well as the best flavour nicotine pouches!

Elf Bar Tacja Cherry Ice Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Cherry Ice
  • Nicotine Strength: 12mg/18mg/20mg/33mg/36mg

The Cherry Ice Elf Bar TACJA Nicotine Pouches are one of my absolute favourites. They’re packed full of flavour, and there are so many different nicotine strengths to choose from. The Cherry Ice TACJA Nicotine Pouches by Elf Bar feature a sweet and slightly rich cherry flavour; this blend had then been finished off with a crisp iciness. The cooling sensation is a nice contradiction to the warmth from the nicotine.

TACJA Nic Pouches are one of the best brands. In their range you can find pouches available in medium strengths such as 12mg nicotine, but they also provide strong nicotine pouches with nicotine as high as 36mg too. If you've tried Elf Bar nicotine products before, you'll know that they're dedicated to providing the best nicotine experience.

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Killa Blueberry Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Blueberry
  • Nicotine Strength: 16mg

You simply wouldn’t believe that the Blueberry Killa Nicotine Pouches are cheap nicotine pouches. Whilst they’re not free nicotine pouches, they’re easily affordable, and such high quality for the price. The Blueberry Kill Nic Pouches are some of the best tasting nicotine pouches, which is why they’re so high up on my list.

These pouches aren't available in different nicotine strengths, but the 16mg nicotine strength is perfect for many types of nicotine users. They're not too strong for beginners, but they’re also not so weak that they wouldn’t satisfy experienced users. This makes Killa a popular alternative for those who are used to nicotine, like heavy smokers.

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Nordic Spirit Mint Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Mint
  • Nicotine Strength: 6mg, 9mg, 12mg

Coming in at #3 on my list of the best nicotine pouches is the Mint Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches. These mint flavoured pouches, made by one of the most popular brands, are an absolute-must. The mint offers a mild taste with a pureness of flavour that's like nothing else I've tried. If you're a fan of mild flavours, or mint in general, you need to try these.

Nordic Spirit nic pouches are pretty high up on my list, not just because of their clean minty taste, but because they come in a range of strengths. With multiple nicotine strengths the Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches are suited to a wide array of nicotine users, especially those who are new to using nicotine or consider themselves social smokers.

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Velo Tropic Breeze Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Mandarin, Passion Fruit, Mango
  • Nicotine Strength: 4mg

Tropic Breeze Velo Nicotine pouches are a real treat. These pouches are packed full of flavour with a trio of tropical notes coming through. The main flavours contained within are: mango, mandarin and passion fruit. Also, they’re 4mg in strength, which makes using them more pleasant if you’re not used to nicotine pouches or strong nicotine generally.

The Velo Nicotine Pouches are one of my favourites because their low nicotine strength means that the flavour wasn’t followed by that burning sensation that I associate with strong nicotine. However, that also means that they wouldn’t really be suitable for those that need stronger nic pouches.

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Pablo Bubblegum Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Bubblegum
  • Nicotine Strength: 30mg

These nicotine pouches are extremely potent with their powerful 30mg nicotine per pouch! Although the bubblegum flavour is pretty punchy too, making these some strong nicotine pouches. The bubblegum notes come through almost immediately, giving off a subtle sweetness that mixes in with the strong nicotine.

These Pablo nic pouches aren’t suitable for new users or anybody that isn’t familiar with strong nicotine. Although they are perfect for heavy smokers, or anyone that’s been hooked on strong disposable vapes. These white pouches made it onto my list not just because of their authentic flavour, but because they're also made by one of the best nicotine pouch brands.

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Siberia Original Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Mint
  • Nicotine Strength: 24.75mg

At #6 on my list is the Original Siberia Nicotine Pouches; they’ve got a really clean, clear minty taste that leaves a crisp cooling sensation in your mouth for a while after using one. I'm not sure if the flavour is natural or artificial, but it tastes like genuine mint. If you’re into mild flavours with a mellow minty taste, I can’t recommend these enough!

The Siberia original nicotine pouches contain 24.75mg of nicotine per pouch, which makes them extremely strong. If their strength doesn’t put you off you’ll enjoy these extreme nicotine pouches with their cool minty flavour and satisfying nicotine hit.

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Killa Watermelon Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Watermelon
  • Nicotine Strength: 16mg

Watermelon Killa Nicotine Pouches came in at #7 on my list, and for good reason! Kill Nic Pouches are amongst the best tobacco free nicotine pouches with their strong juicy melon flavour and moderate nicotine strength. These are the perfect go-to flavour as they’re not sweet or sickly, and they’re available in 16mg which is mild enough for new users. They’re also strong enough for those that prefer intense nicotine, making them an ideal middle ground. 


Watermelon Killa Nic Pouches would have been higher on my list because of their phenomenal flavour, but with one flavour already in the top 3 I thought it was only fair to give the other brands a chance. This doesn’t mean that the Watermelon flavour isn’t just as good though - Killa are one of the most popular nicotine pouch brands for a reason!

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Elf Bar Tacja Blue Sour Raspberry Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Blueberry, Raspberry, Sour
  • Nicotine Strength: 12mg, 18mg, 20mg, 33mg, 36mg

Blueberry Sour Raspberry Elf Bar TACJA Nicotine Pouches are something else! It’s worth noting that I only tried the 18mg Elf Bar TACA nic pouches as I consider myself a moderate nicotine users, and the others likely would have been too strong for me - but there are 5 different strengths of nicotine available, making them ideal for many different types of nicotine users.

Aside from the nicotine though, the flavour was really good - I didn’t get much sourness from these nic pouches, but the blueberry and raspberry really came through and were incredibly long lasting. So, if you’re into your berry blends I[‘d highly recommend the Blueberry Sour Raspberry Elf Bar TACA nic pouches.

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Nordic Spirit Elderflower Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Elderflower
  • Nicotine Strength: 6mg, 9mg

Coming towards the end of my list at #9 is the Elderflower Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches - these Nordic Spirit Nic Pouches gave off such a distinctive flavour, they were really unique. In case you’ve never tried the Elderflower Nordic Spirit Nic Pouches before, I can only describe them as sweet with a slight citrus floral hint to them?

Honestly, they’re worth giving a go if you’re in need of mild or moderate strength nicotine pouches, as they’re available in both 6mg and 9mg strengths. Due to their strength they may not be appropriate for those who have been using strong disposable vapes or smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day.

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Velo Ruby Berry Nicotine Pouches


Key Features:

  • Flavour: Strawberry, Sharp
  • Nicotine Strength: 4mg, 6mg, 10mg

Rounding up the list at #10 were the Ruby Berry Velo nicotine pouches with their sharp, strawberry flavour. When I say sharp, I don’t mean sour or a strong strawberry flavour - the flavour of the Ruby Berry Velo nic pouches almost has a slight acidity to it, even at lower strengths of nicotine. If that’s what you’re into then you may have rated them higher than I have, but I prefer smooth, cool flavours.

However, despite the sharpness of the strawberry, the flavour was still good enough to put them in my top 10. The ruby berry nicotine pouches by Velo also made it onto my list because, again, they cater to a variety of nicotine users with their variety of nicotine strengths, which I think is important as too much nicotine can be off-putting, but not enough leaves you feel unsatisfied.

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Are Nicotine Pouches safe?

Whilst no addictive substance is entirely without risk, nicotine pouches can contain up to 99% less toxic substances than cigarettes and traditional tobacco products. This makes nic pouches much safer than smoking by comparison.

However, extreme caution is advised when using a nicotine pouch as they can contain extremely high levels of nicotine, which is an addictive substance. Regular use could lead to dependency. We’d recommend that you attempt to stick to the equivalent nicotine strength for what you’re currently using. Only those who already use strong nicotine should purchase the strongest nicotine pouches that we stock.

Nicotine Pouches side effects

Using nicotine pouches can have a number of side effects; whilst we’re not sure of nicotine pouches side effects long-term as they haven’t yet been around long enough for a definite answer, we can determine some short term side effects. Short term side effects of nic pouch usage can include, but is not limited to, nicotine addiction, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure.

It’s also important to keep in mind that nicotine pouches are intended as an alternative to smoking or vaping. They are not intended for those who do not already use nicotine products. If you do not already use nicotine and start using these nicotine products you could become addicted. This can have negative affects on your physical and mental wellbeing.